Sunday, May 03, 2015

Anais Makes A Mockery Of 24 Week Abortion Limit!

Child born at 23 weeks to start school.

A girl born at 23 weeks is due to start school later this year. Anais, who is now three, spent her first six months in hospital and was visited every day by her mum, Jackie Knowles. Jackie says that the legal abortion limit of 24 weeks should be lowered in light of Anais' survival. Her experience reinforces the tragedy of babies who die daily from abortion. Let your candidates know that you believe God values life from the moment of conception. Christian Concern.

Trump - The Left Just Don't Get It.

  They still don’t get it . They still don’t get it Why the elites remain so mystified and horrified by Trump voters. https://www.spiked-onl...