Saturday, May 16, 2015

Sex - When Is It Permitted?

If we do a careful trawl through both Testaments of the Bible, two things will become abundantly clear:
1) Sex is only ever to be practised within marriage.
2) Sex is only ever authorised between a man and a woman.
Any member of the liberal church fraternity who tries to twist the Scriptures to justify otherwise will have to answer to God for leading people astray. Clearly, they do not take Him all that seriously.
Let me repeat, that in purely secular terms, the arguments against homosexuality are generally very weak. But if you are one of the lost, you can hardly get more lost, so it matters but little to you. As a believer, different criteria apply - you should know that God has clearly ordained what is right and wrong and you should therefore act accordingly. The only thing that ultimately matters is God's opinion - not yours.

Look What The Green-Leaning Politicos Have Done To Our Country!

  Annabel Denham . Ed Miliband is hammering the final  nail in Britain’s coffin – then boasting  about it. The country that birthed the indu...