Sunday, May 17, 2015

Three Reaons I Rarely Use The Coop.

1) They have shown anti-Christian bias in the past. (I must admit that I do not know if this is ongoing.)
2) They are still giving seven figure donations to Labour.
3) They rarely match the value of the supermarkets run by 'wicked capitalists.'

I do not cut off my nose to spite my face - as with many other organisations, my self-imposed ban is not absolute. It is merely that - if I have a choice - The Coop loses. I do wonder what the great Rochdale pioneers would have made of all this.
Many were Christian. They offered better value than other retailers. The Islington Labour Party of today would be unrecognisable to the ideals they espoused.

If Only I Could Disagree.

Nick Timothy Labour sees success and wants to tax it, not encourage more of it. Reeves and her party are takers not makers, destroyers not c...