Sunday, September 27, 2015

Corbyn Off Track.

Speaking at UKIP’s annual conference in Doncaster, the party’s transport spokesman Jill Seymour told the veteran left-winger he was “off track” with his first policy announcement since being elected.
Ms Seymour, MEP for the West Midlands, claimed the EU’s 2001 railway means it is “illegal” for Britain to renationalise its railways.
She said: “For the first time in decades, railways are a point of serious political importance.
“The reason is Jeremy Corbyn’s politically populist, but practically impossible statement about renationalising the railways.
“Regardless of anyone’s opinion on whether we should renationalise them or not, Mr Corbyn is off track. Express.

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...