Thursday, December 31, 2015

Oliver Letwin.

I suppose that most people will now be more than familiar with Oliver Letwin's racist remarks from back in the 80s. 
Putting aside the fact that he is now Chief Adviser to the PM, let us examine the rank hypocrisy which has emerged from the left and the leftist media in response to all of this. 
They pontificate and seem to be claiming some sort of moral high ground. Now let us consider the scores of Labour MPs over the years with a history of Communism - often as Stalinists or Trotskyites (I can't bring to mind any Maoists.). They joined Labour and the past was rapidly forgotten - expunged, as one might conclude.
Now, let us compare these two sins:
One is a set of unsavoury remarks - the other is having supported a political position which resulted in more than a 180 million deaths in the 20th Century. See what I mean about 'hypocrisy'?

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