Monday, May 30, 2016


It may offend all of our leftist friends if I state that capitalism is the only tried and trusted system of economics which works - or indeed - can work.
The socialist alternatives have always had to be imposed at great cost to liberty, freedom of speech and personal safety. Almost 200 million deaths caused by marxism, in assorted forms during the twentieth century needs to be our warning.
Capitalism can be evil in its own right but, with good intent, can be largely controlled. It is based on principles of self-interest; it recognises realities; it understands that people in general will only work truly hard for their own benefit and it does not fall into the trap of thinking that Man in general is a benevolent creature. (Think just how much that goes against Scripture!)
Capitalism brings jobs, better quality of life, money into the country.
The idea of 'the mixed economy' has been tried quite successfully, in which capitalism and thinking about the betterment of the populace are melded into one. Provided there are not too many socialist thought processes at work - this can be the most successful model.
Ask the great unwashed what their alternative would be and all you get is shudders as you realise that Stalinism could rise once more if they get their way.

Why is it that these dangerous demoniacs are tolerated but the hard right is not? They are BOTH rotten-to-the-core. The hard left are not just deluded (that is the liberal left) they put any nation into grievous peril.

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