Friday, May 26, 2017

How Long To Make A Fossil?

How long to make a fossil? when you were at school? Remember how they told you that fossils have to take millions of years to produce? - Well, it is simply untrue.
They can be produced in months! I recently held a fossilised teddy bear which had been subjected to the right natural conditions and there it was!
This photo is of a hat taken from a mine in Tasmania which had been closed for 50 years - a bit longer th the teddy but still not quite millions, eh?
Today, I visited an evolutionist's website - a blog - which dealt with this issue.
It produced anger, bile, venom, bitterness and mockery of a fossilised Ted.
Sadly, it forgot to repudiate the point with any facts whatsoever.
Difficult to see how else their point might have been made of course - the facts were rather against the writer.

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