UKIP condemns Ofsted for failing Jewish primary school.
Published Jun 26, 2017
The decision by Ofsted to fail a private Jewish girls’ primary school in
North London for not teaching the politically correct state-sanctioned brand of
‘equalities’ is a worrying step towards totalitarianism.
David Kurten AM, the UKIP Education spokesman
"UKIP recognizes that parents are the primary educators of their
children, and provided they are not inciting hatred or violence, the state
should not be forcing their own ideology on children at the very youngest ages,
particularly when that ideology is harmful and confusing to children’s natural
development as boys and girls, or when it exposes them to sexual propaganda at
an age which is grossly inappropriate.
"Primary school children are far too young to be exposed to ideas such as
the details of non-reproductive sexual acts and gender fluidity. Children
deserve a childhood and the guise of ‘inclusion’ and ‘anti-bullying’ is being
used to expose them to damaging ideas far too early, and to undermine and close
down faith schools in favour of secularism.
secularism is not a neutral blank canvas of a worldview. Humanist and secularist
groups have actively campaigned against faith schools for over a century. 99% of
faith schools are Christian schools, and have done an excellent job of education
children and young people in the UK since Augustine’s time in the 6th Century.
"Ofsted is now part of the red blob which is pushing cultural Marxism.
The irony of this decision is that they are killing real diversity – diversity
of faith, ideas and culture - while they attempt to force everyone into
accepting the ridiculous and non-scientific ideology of genderqueer
"It is time to drain the swamp of