Monday, July 24, 2017

Severn Tolls To Go.

Severn Bridge toll scrapping wonderful for South Wales.

Published Jul 21, 2017
UKIP Wales is pleased to learn that the Severn Bridge tolls will be scrapped in 2018. After campaigning long and hard by UKIP, the UK government is following through with its commitment to scrap the tolls at the General Election.
UKIP was the first party to commit to a policy of scrapping the tolls back in September 2015. Removing the tolls will allow an estimated £100 million to flow into the South Wales economy. This decision sends the message that Wales is open for business; a critical development given the Welsh Government’s recent catastrophic failure with the Circuit of Wales project.

UKIP’s South Wales East Assembly Member David Rowlands commented:  “This is wonderful news for South Wales East and exactly what we need right now. It was UKIP policy to scrap the tolls before any other party. UKIP held a large campaign event at the Severn Bridge back in September 2015 with then party leader Nigel Farage. We’re delighted that our successful campaigning means that UKIP policies will make a positive difference for Wales.“

Donald Trump's Promises.

                                   WOW!              (Compare to our feeble, insipid PM.)