Friday, July 28, 2017

That EU Religion.

Nick Martinek, Briarlyn Road, Huddersfield.
“MODERN” Remainers tell us that the we must supplicate to the EU on pain of impoverishment and isolation. Their language is religious; the EU an angry god that must be propitiated; only by sacrifice will we be even admitted to the halls of politically correct humanity, still less prosperity.
An exaggeration? Next time you read a Remainer’s opinion, ask yourself: is he demanding that the UK must give up our independence to be granted the privilege of merely selling into the EU’s single market? The inverse is for the EU to give up its sovereignty to us, in exchange for free access to the UK market. But that would be anathema to Remainers like Sir Vince Cable.
Actually the UK’s sales to the EU only amount to about a tenth of UK GDP, yet to hear the wails of anguish from the Remainers it is as though 90 per cent of our prosperity was in the EU’s gift. Be careful, the Remainers say, we must not upset the EU god lest we be cast into economic oblivion in perpetuity. We must bow to the EU, accept its admonishments, and give it gold. Lots of gold. The Remain worship of the EU is a religious cult, without rationality or equality. Yorkshire Post.

Donald Trump's Promises.

                                   WOW!              (Compare to our feeble, insipid PM.)