Friday, November 03, 2017

Sexual Mores.

Today's Sexual Mores are Schizophrenic, Contradictory and Irrational. weinstein&sortBy=relevance&dateRange=pastMonth
REUTERS/CARLO ALLEGRIHarvey Weinstein is now under investigations regarding the allegations of sexual harassment against him.
So the Boy Scouts (which I love) have decided the word "boy" in their name is the negotiable part of their endeavor. The Girls Scouts of America are furious (battle for market share). Many others are too, citing this as one more example of gender-bending in our culture. Used to be, everyone (even five-year-olds!) understood that girls and boys were different, and both could benefit from same-sex role models and mentors.
But we are suffering a sexual schizophrenia.
The sexual mores of the day are schizophrenic, contradictory and irrational. Consider the following, and then I'll tell you WHY they are that way:
This: Mike Pence is a FREAK and TALIBAN for setting boundaries with women to make sure he never pulls a Weinstein (abuses or is accused of abusing or being inappropriate with a woman).
But also this: Harvey Weinstein is HORRIBLE and AWFUL for doing the exact OPPOSITE of Pence.
This: Weinstein must be run out of Hollywood because he is the devil!
But also this: He was excellent as long as his leching was secret. His board, his company, and enough others knew about it that it made it into the script for 30 Rock, with that part written by Tina Fey. And everyone was ok with it.
This: Meryl Streep is HORRIFIED by Weinstein (although she called him "God" a few years ago at an awards ceremony.
But also this: Meryl Streep LED a standing ovation at the 2003 Academy Awards for Roman Polanski, even though everyone knows that he drugged and raped a 13-year-old girl, then fled the country. So she and Hollywood are on record as applauding a pedophile fugitive from justice.

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