Scottish nationalists, the Catalan independence struggle is a battle between
head and heart.
elements of their own ambitions for self-determination in last month’s disputed
referendum in the northern Spanish region, many Scottish National Party
supporters want their leaders to offer a political olive branch to the now
ousted president, Carles Puigdemont, by recognizing the declaration of independence.
that risks antagonizing Madrid and harming the Scottish National Party’s own
ambitions of leading Scotland out of the United Kingdom, leaving Scotland’s
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon with a tricky balancing act.
early October, the Scottish National Party’s (SNP) annual conference
unanimously passed a motion calling on Spain to “respect” the
result of Catalonia’s disputed referendum on independence a few days
Puigdemont declared independence on Friday, many in Barcelona — and Edinburgh —
hoped that the SNP would call for the new Catalan state to be recognized.
Instead, the SNP, which controls the Scottish government, called for dialogue,
to the displeasure of some party members — although Sturgeon did put out a tweet
Thursday condemning the jailing of Catalan ministers.
that displeasure had already reached the Scottish parliament Tuesday with
a motion signed by 21 MSPs (all from
the Scottish National Party) calling on “the international community to
recognize the vote of the Catalan parliament for an independent republic of
nationalists and Catalan secessionists have long made common cause. The colorful
Catalan flags that have appeared in many Scottish windows reflect a growing
concern among nationalists. But Sturgeon’s party, with its own independence
ambitions in mind, is wary of antagonizing Madrid. If a future independent
Scotland wants a smooth passage back into the European Union, it will need all
the friends it can get among member countries.
Internal matter
the European Union’s insistence that Catalonia is an internal matter for Spain
has led some Scottish nationalists to reappraise their once steadfast support
for the EU.
think the SNP should have recognized the UDI (unilateral declaration of
independence),” said George Kerevan, a former SNP MP who lost his seat in June’s
general election.
have never seen the amount of sympathy and passionate outpouring from SNP
supporters that I have seen for Catalonia in the last week. The vast majority of
SNP supporters support the UDI,” said Kerevan, who writes a column in
pro-independence newspaper the National.

audience at an SNP party conference shows its solidarity with Catalonia | Robert
has long links with Spain, particular on the left. Some 2,400 Scots fought on
the republican side in the Spanish civil war. More recently, the connection has
been largely between Scottish and Catalan nationalists. The Scottish Saltire has
become a familiar sight at pro-independence rallies in Barcelona.
SNP’s relationship with pro-independence Catalan parties has not been
straightforward. Ahead of the 2014 Scottish independence, then-SNP First
Minister Alex Salmond often declined to comment on the situation in Catalonia
and, in public at least, relations between the devolved Catalan and Scottish
governments were more
cordial than warm.
resigning the SNP leadership, Salmond has become more voluble. Over the weekend
he told listeners to his London radio show that the EU has maintained a “guilty
silence” over Catalonia.
successor has been far more circumspect. Nicola Sturgeon is an active Twitter
user but her only reference to Catalonia was a link to the Scottish government’s
official statement.
External Affairs Secretary Fiona Hyslop said the people of Catalonia “must have
the ability to determine their own future,” but stopped short of recognizing
Catalonia as an independent state.
well as sympathy for the Catalan cause, Scottish nationalists are wary that they
could end up in a similar position.
‘This could happen to us’
this year, U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May rejected Sturgeon’s call for a second
independence referendum. That demand is off the agenda for now — largely due to
the poor SNP performance in June’s general election — but nationalists still
fear London could follow Madrid in blocking a future vote.
understand that this could happen to us,” said a very well-placed individual
within the Scottish government.
have to take the responsible position that a government should take but have the
most enormous empathy for what is taking place in Catalonia,” they added.
position is far from universally popular amongst party activists. With foreign
affairs reserved to Westminster, any acknowledgment of Catalan independence
would be purely symbolic. But critics point to the Scottish government’s
recognition of Palestine as a precedent.
Catalan crisis is also shaking the SNP’s staunch Europhilia. The response from
Brussels has led some nationalists to question the party’s commitment to the
European Union.
has opened my eyes,” said SNP councilor Andy Steel. “My movement can expect no
help from the European Union and no help from individual states.”
SNP could be punished if it appears to “hold back on Catalonia in favor of
warmer ties with the EU with Brexit ahead,” said Angela Haggerty, editor of the
pro-independence website Commonspace. Politico.