I have just watched the BBC 2 programme on
The Balfour Declaration.
I have arrived at precisely the same logical
point previously reached when I look at the Arab-Israeli conflict.
The first terror and invasions were largely
caused by the Palestinians.
Israel was reactive in its calculated
unpleasantness. Israel made the situation worse by settling on disputed parts of
The West Bank. They cannot, however, be blamed for taking their security
seriously by building a 700 kilometre partition wall!
Clearly, he intransigence of Hamas is why the
Palestinians are in such a dreadful state.
I just watched Dr Mahmoud
al-Zahar, co-founder of Hamas, categorically state that his group will not
accept Israel's right to exist!
else is there left to say? The Israelis have committed wrongs but Hamas ensures
that the Palestinians DO NOT hold the moral high