Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Those Of Us Who Sought Integration Condemn Social Polarisation By Minorities.

Bob Watson, Baildon. IN his article (The Yorkshire Post, October 25) Qari Asim, a Leeds imam, comments on anti-Muslim prejudice which can lead “to a polarised society”. Whilst no-one can surely agree with hate crime of any sort, it was a pity that Mr Asim did not outline what the Muslim community needs to do itself to gain more acceptance in society. It still seems that too many Muslims are happy to live in a parallel society rather than making much more effort to integrate. To do this, it would surely help to speak English virtually all the time, not dress as though they were still living in a foreign land, and forego some of the Third World habits that are still readily apparent. Indeed, it would be nice to hear Yorkshire accents from our British-born Muslim friends but, more often than not, they have heavy Asian accents. Does this not tell us that too little is still being done on the integration front?

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I find it interesting that members of the Jewish Faith have managed to maintain their Jewish identity but, for the most part, are clearly sold out on their Britishness. If only all minorities were to follow this example.

Learning From Joseph.