Tuesday, April 24, 2018

New Royal Baby.

Although I want to keep the stabilising effect of our constitutional monarchy and as I also despise the republicanism which wishes to undermine our system of government - I remain a distinctly lukewarm royalist.
There have been too many losers 'in post' over the centuries.
Nonetheless, I feel that loss of the monarchy, the pomp and ceremony would severely damage tourism to the UK.
I wish Will and Kate well - the same as I would to any other happy parents.
However, I fear the day when Charles will become our constitutional Head of State. The man who would be 'Defender of faith'? - No. Not really.
Elizabeth has certainly been a steadying blessing to the nation.
I strongly feel that she has endured her very long reign because she possesses uncertainties about her eldest son being King.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.