Monday, June 18, 2018

Debt, Depression & Meeting The Saviour.

How one man became debt free and met Jesus.

Olly Black was close to ending his life after severe debt left him feeling depressed and hopeless. He explains how meeting a Christian changed the course of his life
I had a medical condition that meant I couldn’t work. We were relying on benefits to get by and there was never enough to pay the bills, so the debts started to rack up.
I was very depressed and started drinking heavily because of it all. When I was in debt I couldn’t face going out. It didn’t seem worth it. I felt like I couldn’t get out of that situation.
It was like a black hole and I was going further and further down. Twice I almost took my own life.

I have four kids and it was devastating to not be able to provide for them. I felt like I wasn’t good enough. I’d have to decide whether to spend money on food or electricity that week – that’s how bad it got. So of course I’d feed my kids, but then I couldn’t power my home and we were in the dark.
Finally, I realised I couldn’t do it by myself. The first moment I opened the door to Mark from Christians Against Poverty, it felt nice because someone understood where I was coming from.
They helped me in so many different ways. Our bed was broken so they got us a second-hand one. We were out of food at home so they got us foodbank vouchers. Mark even invited me round to his house for a meal. He’s like a guardian angel; a real good friend. To this day I can call or message him at any time.
One day, Mark said: “Would you like to go to an Alpha course?” I was an atheist then and I went along just to shut him up! I was the most sceptical person, but I liked it and I wanted to know more.
I found I had more questions than answers, so I went away and did some research and Mark answered my questions. In the third to last meeting, I gave my life to Jesus.
Going to church has been a total life-changer. It’s like a big family. I’ve never had so many friends! I never used to keep a diary but now I need one to keep up with all the things I’m doing!
Being a Christian has made a big difference. I’m less stressed and I enjoy life more. I think I have more love for everything now; I appreciate what I have.
In February, I became debt free through working with CAP. I didn’t think I was ever going to get out of that spiral. Now I can have a good night’s sleep.
I feel at peace. I’ve stopped drinking – I’ve been sober for eight months now and that’s largely down to the help of CAP. Without CAP and without the church I wouldn’t be here today, that’s a definite.
By Olly Black 

A Verse of Great Encouragement.