Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Hitler Met Franco At Hendaye - The Meeting Flopped. Why?

[This] occurred on October 23, 1940 at the Hendaye railway station in Hendaye, France, near the Spanish-French border, attended by the Foreign Affairs ministers, Ramón Serrano Súñer of Spain and Joachim von Ribbentrop of Nazi Germany.
The object of the meeting was to attempt to resolve disagreements over the conditions for Spain to join the Axis Powers in their war against the British Empire. However, after seven hours of talks, the Spanish demands still appeared extortionate to Hitler ... Wiki.
Although the two were unable to negotiate successfully over a number of matters - including the fate of Gibraltar - can we please remember that this was a meeting between Hitler, an extremist socialist, and Franco, an ultra conservative.
The likelihood of Franco joining The Axis was highly improbable - the only things that they had in common was in being despots.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.