Sunday, September 23, 2018

Brexit: The Canada Plus Solution.

Over the weekend, I have had several conversations with someone who is an expert on Brexit.
Since May's humiliation at the hands of the eurocrats last week - (incidentally, was she really surprised by how foul they all were?) - there is now only a single, logical outcome.
The remainers are terrified by the prospect of of a no deal scenario and would accept Canada plus as their least worst alternative.
The government, with their Chequers plan in tatters will surely have to arrive at the same conclusion.
The eurocrats have made a mega tactical error - apparently just so as to humiliate our Theresa. Their least worst option has now become Canada plus.
The Brexiteers - for what little they count in the equation - would have to accept Canada plus, too.
But, there's the rub. Canada plus protects sovereignty; avoids being caught up in the European Courts fiasco; maintains our independence; will save billions in payments to the running of the EU; will give control of our own immigration policies; will grant access to EU markets; will permit us to trade on a global scale; regains us control of our fishing and, by and large, will see an avoidance of tariffs.

Almost by default, and certainly via classic EU obduracy ruining their own tactics, it looks as though the Brexiteers will get all that we have been fighting for since Day One.

There is just a single problem here. I wrote that this 'is the only ... logical outcome'. 
Sadly, the EU and logic do not make good bedfellows. It is entirely probable that a grouping based wholly on pettiness, mardiness, small-mindedness and self-harm will find it far more interesting to derail all common sense solutions in the hope that they can punish the UK for desiring independence in the first place.
These are the people to whom we have been shackled for all of these sorry decades!

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