Monday, September 24, 2018

Palestinian Terror ALWAYS Undermines The Palestinian Case.

Cecil Crinnion, Sycamore Close, Slingsby, York. 
THE Palestinian leadership have never tried giving up acts of terrorism in their hope of creating a homeland. Israel has stated many times that it will not negotiate until the Palestinian leaders renounce terrorism. This strategy has achieved nothing to advance the Palestinian cause, but it justifies acts of retaliation by the state of Israel, judged by some to be very disproportionate and judged by others as not going far enough. The key word here is ‘retaliation’. Both sides in this conflict have been suffering for years and years. Israel is a country recognised by the United Nations. Surely the Palestinian leadership – after years of struggle, war and suffering – must realise that going back to the borders and a time before 1939 is never, ever going to happen? The Palestinian government should stop terrorism, and recognise the fact that Israel exists. However painful the past, it should be forgotten – nothing can change it. What should really matter to the Israeli and Palestinian people is their future. How much better life in both countries would be if the huge amounts of money used to inflict pain and damage on each other was spent instead for the benefit of all the people.
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Allison Pearson.

  So you can imagine how delighted I was to come across the term “far centre”, which was coined by Prof Jonathan Clark, the leading British ...