2) The UK is in very serious debt. Those who claim to be 'anti-austerity' actually want to increase this £1.7 trillion millstone so as to betray our children and grandchildren into penury.
3) In any case, we have had no 'austerity'. The government has merely cut back, most unintelligently one must admit, in several key areas instead of attacking quangos - which would be considerably more logical than paring the police service to the bone and leaving us with a military barely capable of fighting off an attack by Iceland.
4) What we are actually talking about is a nation which must learn to live within its means.
5) In the meantime, socialists 'have the solution'. We must 'tax the rich til the pips squeak'.
6) Let us not be too concerned about dying businesses, reduced exports, lost jobs and entrepreneurs removing their investments to lower tax economies. These are all 'side issues'. Apparently.
7) 'Anti-austerity' is not a pragmatic way forward but is rather, a dubious moral standpoint: a philosophy which cares not what the consequences of its actions are in practice just so long as the philosophy itself can stand. (Please refer to the economic catastrophe which is Venezuela if you want hard, up-to-date evidence.)
8) Logically, socialism cannot work. 'You do the math!'