Monday, December 03, 2018

Let The Left Admit The Truth.

Socialism is the single greatest ongoing failure of any political ideal in the whole of History.
Conservatism is harmless by comparison: it does not wreck economies for the sheer hell of it; capitalism is based on sound principles; under capitalism - more ultimately benefit than under socialism. The moderate right understand that in order for the poor to benefit - it is not about the size of relative shares but rather, is about increasing the economy.
How can you give any hope to people from a position of bankruptcy?
Socialism is based on hatred; it spills bile at those who challenge its tenets; it defends the illogical by shouting opponents down - and yes - it is uncaring!
It works more to fashionable hypotheses and distorted, unworkable philosophies than it ever does to pragmatically helping the destitute.

Even Worse Than I Had Thought.

  The population density in England is 1,134.4 people per square mile.   Blogger: we barely have space for  genuine  refugees let alone (pos...