The way the budget is spent - roughly £13billion annually - is very similar to huge swathes of giving by assorted charities - many of which are seemingly designed to exacerbate problems rather than resolve them.
Please note that I am not talking about immediate, emergency aid for disasters which must still be covered.
The fact that a great deal of money is being sent to countries with both space programmes and nuclear arsenals is contemptible.
Some reports insist that we are even giving funds to Argentina!
All of these must end.
The bulk of the £13billion should be spent on building trading arrangements with impoverished nations who are having difficulties getting the iniquitous EU to accept their goods - especially where they are under-pricing goods produced in EU countries.
Spend the monies on infrastructure - particularly in any impoverished country which needs to develop port facilities.
Naturally, little can or should be done by the UK where there is an absence of democracy. Leave that for the charities to sort.
To back this up, mutually beneficial trade deals must be implemented. Let us use aid to help third world nations get themselves out of the poverty trap instead of pouring limitless amounts into often totalitarian regimes and gaping holes lined with corrupt practices.
Should this technique work, then our profits in the taxes from this can be redirected into even more monies going into different nations.