Tuesday, June 30, 2020

'Priming The Pump' Economics Can Have Dangerous Consequences.


This Blogger is well aware of FDR's success in kick starting the US economy in the 30s but there are some incredible dangers in this socialist approach to a crisis.
Borrowing money is incredibly expensive and puts nations so easily into hock. Think of Greece with its absurd overspends and the consequences for both them and the EU nations which bailed them out. (Ourselves included!)

The alternative approach is to print money. This course leads inevitably to inflation and one might argue - a desire to devalue the pound to encourage trade.
The consequences for those of us with a few savings or relatively fixed incomes are terrifying.

The temptations are obvious but I fear the directions we are taking. Some may argue that such thinking 'did the business' for FDR but the two situations are not really comparable being generations apart.

If this 'bold' thinking does work, Boris will be hailed as a hero but if it hurts natural Tory supporters ...
