Thursday, August 27, 2020

Fighting For Justice.

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Dear Friends
I trust you and your family are keeping well during these unusual times.
Thank you so much for your partnership during these last few challenging months – we are so grateful for all you do to be a voice for justice.
As we continue to tackle the injustice faced by vulnerable faith communities who are at greater risk during the COVID-19 pandemic, we also look ahead with joy and excitement to changes at CSW in the coming months.
From September I will be stepping down as Chief Executive and taking on a new role as Founder President, and Scot Bower, our Chief Operating Officer, has been appointed as CSW’s new CEO to take effect from 1 September.
Last year we celebrated 40 years of CSW and as a founder of the organisation I’ve been around for every one of those eventful years. In that time we’ve seen major strides for the promotion of the right to freedom of religion or belief worldwide; I’ve seen prisoners released, discriminatory laws challenged and witnessed CSW become a powerful and highly respected voice advocating for the right to freedom of religion or belief for all, and the only advocacy NGO with consultative status at the UN specialising in this field.
I give glory to God for all He has done through us, and my thanks to you for partnering with us in this mission.
At the same time, I look ahead with excitement and expectancy at what God will do through Scot’s leadership in the next chapter of CSW’s story.
I saw God’s calling on Scot the first time I met him; like me he was passionate that as Christians we should speak up for persecuted people of all faiths. I knew in my heart when I appointed him as COO, that in time he would take over as CEO, and I have every confidence that Scot is the man to steer CSW into the next phase of our work .
As Founder President I will continue my advocacy and ambassadorial role for CSW, and I look forward to continuing to work closely with Scot as we step into the next chapter of CSW’s ministry.
Thank you for all you do to partner with us in tackling injustice.
Yours as ever in Christ,
Mervyn Thomas
Founder & Chief Executive
