Thursday, September 24, 2020

'Hate Crimes'.

 Women should be protected under expanded hate crime laws, according to a new report from the Law Commission.

The independent body that advises government said misogyny should be treated in the same way as other discrimination when it is the motivation for a crime.
Campaigners welcomed the proposal, including Labour MP Stella Creasy, who called it "our moment for change".
Seven police forces in England and Wales class misogyny as a hate crime.
But this definition has not been adopted across the board.
When a crime is carried out against someone - such as assault, harassment or criminal damage - because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity, it is considered a hate crime and treated more seriously by the courts.
But campaigners have criticised the complex nature of the existing laws, and called for sex and gender to be added to the list. BBC.
Blogger: I, however, can never ever be the victim of 'hate crime'. I am white - which pretty much excludes me from anything at any time.
Someone black can be just shoved out of the way by some moron in a shopping queue and will be successful in claiming 'hate crime' on the grounds of colour. This remains the case irrespective of whether there was any racist intent when it may well have been nothing more than the customary pig ignorance which currently infects society.
Nonetheless, I can be occasioned ABH by someone black who is calling me 'a ******* white **** and the CPS will invariably not call this 'hate crime'.
Pardon my bewilderment!
Incidentally, isn't almost any crime, by definition, an act against the good and well-being of others? So 'hate crimes plus' is what we are perhaps talking about?
Great to live in such a twisted, unbalanced society, innit? I fail to see how a so-called 'hate crime' can trump 'pig ignorance' in any case. Wrong is wrong.
Against this backcloth of unfairness - perhaps some might understand why I find BLM especially offensive.
