Thursday, October 22, 2020

Guilty, Guilty Climate Scientists.

 Climate scientists rack up more air miles than other academics – but feel more guilty about it as they do so, a study has found.

The study – Use of Aviation by Climate Change Researchers: Structural Influences, Personal Attitudes, and Information Provision – by the University of Cardiff in Wales, found
…Significantly higher levels of flying amongst climate change researchers than researchers from other disciplines. This was only partly explained by the greater amount of fieldwork undertaken by this group; the amount of flying is also predicted by level of climate change expertise, job seniority, location, and the amount of flying undertaken for leisure. Despite the greater amount of flying that is done by experts, they report higher levels of awareness and concern about the impact of aviation on climate change. They are also more likely to have offset their flights, used alternatives to travel, and avoided travel, for climate change reasons. Breitbart. Delingpole.
