Monday, October 26, 2020

Your Prayer Is Greatly Appreciated For ...

 Tom, very poorly in hospital with leukaemia, who has now contracted Covid 19! Pray too for wife Barbara who is not allowed to visit and is struggling with the technology to keep her in touch.

Debs who has pneumonia which is not responding to antibiotics. Debs was a police officer present at the Hillsborough disaster and has suffered grievous psychological problems over the intervening 31 years.

Derek who had a heart transplant some years ago. Psychological and physical problems after losing his wife.

Peter with PSA levels which have not been responding well, of late, to treatments. He has had prostate cancer for some twelve years.

Brian with bladder cancer.

Joe, in his 40s, who had an horrendous heart attack two and a half years ago and whose progress is minute at the moment. He remains in a care home. Please pray that he will recover sufficiently to be able to live at home.

Pray for Lindsey who had a terrible equine accident and has multiple problems as a result.

Jamie-Lee who has very severe psychological issues and suicidal tendencies. She is currently sectioned. 

Pray for Ben, 22, who has lost both parents very suddenly in the space of five months.

Tony. With advanced oesophageal cancer spread to the liver.

Please pray too for the 260 million Christians who are being actively persecuted for their faith.

Please pray against that spirit which has infected so many churches worldwide which does not hold steadfastly to Biblical Truth.
