Monday, June 21, 2021

From A Reputable Scientist.

GREEN NEW DEAL = MASS STARVATION EVENT.  Climate Change Criers (CCC) want only wind and solar power, no nuclear or fossil fuels. 

Blogger: I hope that you, dear reader, understand why I am unable to name most of the scientists who are currently supplying me with information.

A few brave souls have dared to lift their heads above the parapet only to have them shot off with: lost promotions, ridicule, destroyed reputations, lost publishers and even sackings. It is now a dictatorship and a total Big Brother situation.

Scientists who are not in lofty positions have also expressed their disbelief to me of what is being foisted onto a gullible planet.

My claims of being fed so much priceless information are all true. Usually, in such situations I can give verifiable sources. It is with deep regret that I cannot do this in the current situation. Please try to understand.

Now That Sounds Like A Plan.

South Dakota may require Louisiana-style Ten Commandments display in public schools. By  Michael Gryboski , Editor Tuesday, January 14, 2025...