Monday, June 28, 2021

Nebraska Man.

Impressed by the picture of our 'early ancestor?' - Well of course you must be.

You may be even more impressed to learn that this incredible picture was invented from a huge amount of ancient bones and materials which made the drawing of it dead easy.
There is one miniscule caveat to mention however. I must apologise for my tiny overstatement, there.
This entire antediluvian human was created from A SINGLE TOOTH!
(Incidentally, the tooth came from an extinct pig called a peccary.) For many years this story was truly believed by almost all to be scientific.
 It was not. It was merely desire overcoming common sense - something for which there are myriads of similar examples used by those desperate in their search to 'prove the truth' of the increasingly shaky evolutionary hypothesis.

Now That Sounds Like A Plan.

South Dakota may require Louisiana-style Ten Commandments display in public schools. By  Michael Gryboski , Editor Tuesday, January 14, 2025...