Friday, July 30, 2021

Everyday Black Folk.

I also acknowledge that I do not pretend to speak for all Americans of African ancestry because to do so would be as pride-filled and disingenuous as the Democratic Party, Black nationalist organizations, progressives, millionaire sports and entertainment personalities, media, and yes, even the Republican Party to some degree.

Courtesy of Mavourene Robinson

I am a Christ-redeemed daughter of the Most High God, who depends on His Spirit to do the right thing day by day.  I consider myself everyday Black folk.  By everyday Black folk, I mean that our families were not necessarily members of who W.E.B. Dubois coined the talented tenth, the so-called Black elite. Likewise, we are not personally entangled by the justice system, dependent upon welfare handouts and/or slaves to the hip-hop culture narrative.  We have made mistakes, are still standing, and know that it is a blessing, not a curse to have been gifted our African ancestry by a purposeful Holy God. 
It is my observation that I and the millions like me who are primed to vote Republican this election cycle are overlooked in the national narratives.  The media doesn’t want the world to know how many of us exist, because we disqualify all of their posturing about their altruistic pursuit of what is best for Black people in America.
I believe that I am representative of probable millions like me.
By everyday Black folk, I also mean that together we formed the voting block on which the current progressive, anti-God, and anti-truth machine galloped into power. Those of us who until recent years sold our votes to ungodly legislators and policymakers for what amounts to a hill of beans. We did so based either upon our own ignorance and/or an ingenious propaganda machine spanning decades.  Think about it.  How devilishly genius to name an anti-Christ, anti-Father movement Black Lives Matter, so as to immediately undermine any stand against and exposure of its evil tenants as racist?  They are right. The lives of Black people matter.  But absolutely nothing else about their platform represents God’s best for us.
It is also my observation that many more regular Black folk love God and believe Jesus is Savior are posed to make a destiny affecting decision that continues to cast the pearls of your vote, your voice, to the swine of a movement whose foundation is built upon everything that the LORD hates.
How can I make this accusation?  Because after too many years of compromise and personal prejudice toward the Republican Party, in 2013 God arrested my conscience.  You see despite the many years I was unsettled with what the Democratic Party sold to us during each election cycle in contrast to the Black community’s experiential existence, I dug in my heels and stayed with the Party that from my earliest memories was said to “love Black people
How could I, the granddaughter of a matriarchal slave rape lineage ever vote Republican?  Weren't they the ones who hated, hunted, lynched, and marginalized us? In modernity weren't they still the ones who welcomed the likes of Strom Thurmond, David Dukes?
Obviously, as evidenced by the federally funded genocide of Black babies through Planned Parenthood; indisputable disparities in income levels and wealth for equal work; the grotesquely high percentage of Blacks in prison in relation to our total population; and the level of self-hatred within communities where Black on Black crime put the combined total of every KKK lynching and murder at the hands of police to shame, ignorance was not and is not bliss for Black people.
My willingness to heed the Lord’s direction to vote Republican in 2015, despite the emotional turmoil it caused, preceded my personal commitment to learning the truth of American history and its political party system. My obedience also preceded President Trump’s nomination.  In my mind, I expected that John Kasich would be the nominee. Somehow, he seemed more palatable to someone like me who had never voted Republican before. But God. John Kasich revealed himself to be willing to compromise on the issue of the value of life for every unborn baby.  God knew, even when I did not.
Through my research, I was horrified to learn how abjectly all of my educators had failed to teach the truth of America’s two-party system and history.  I was even more regretful about the countless votes I had cast for leaders who would rather toss my community the bone of welfare to keep us on federally funded plantations than do what was necessary to truly provide a hand-up for those willing to work for it.
In the years since, I have poured myself into researching, reading policy, learning the truth, and more than anything praying for understanding.  And while it isn’t all good or godly on either side of the aisle, what has become clear is the Democratic Party machine’s evil and often violent campaign to destroy Black Americans’ achievement of the American dream under the guise of altruistic benevolence.  
For every person who identifies as Christian and is still committed to trying to disprove truth, or to say that the Democratic/Progressive platform that is pro-genocide through abortion; anti-God through the redefinition of God's holy union of marriage and definition of gender; pro-enslavement through Marxist and so-called Democratic Socialist society; and anti-family through its all-out assault on heterosexual male-led families, is anyway godly and best for America, I am warning you now to pull you out of the fire.  
For every person who holds up the failures of people in church leadership, the failures of men in their spheres of society, or even the failed legislation and policies of men as justification for denouncing the inherent word of God as mere narrative, changeable to accommodate the times, I am pleading with you to stop lying on the LORD.  God’s words and His promises, stand.  God is not mocked, and whatsoever we reap we will sow (Ephesians 5:6).
Calling a child whom God created to be male “male/boy/man/he” is not bullying.  It is telling the truth in love. Saying no to adults who are grooming our children for lives of gender dysphoria from the classroom, through media, and from too many pulpits to help themselves feel more “normal” or to feed the pipeline of their abhorrent sexual appetites, is not a phobia/fear.  It is protecting our children from wolves who will eat up their flesh.  Saying no to murder through abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia isn’t the taking of a civil right.  Moreover, how dare those of you who have labeled yourselves as representing the heart of God have the gall to say that someone’s sexual proclivities or personal decision about murder through abortion and infanticide carry the same God-given value and protection as my ethnicity?
To all of the Christian Black American leaders of this camp, I don’t care what ethnicity you are, you are wrong.  The LGBTQ+ puppet masters will trot you out to try to prove their point.  But let’s be clear, you have decided then that they are your master.  And you can’t serve two.
Have you ever stopped to prayerfully consider why ever abhorrent social cause jumps on the backs of Black Americans?  Could it be that it is because we have collectively proven gullible enough and still so filled with anger at the atrocities of slavery, Jim Crow, and modern-day racism and disenfranchisement that they need only add "and Black people” to every movement abhorrent, godless intent to add us to their list of constituents? As proclaimed men and women of God, do you think that Jesus' warning in Luke 17 does not apply to you? Let me remind you what Jesus said because even if you have been confused into thinking that the Bible isn't the inerrant word and instruction of God for all people at all times, you must surely believe that the red letter words are.  Otherwise, you are not a Christian.  Luke 17:1-2 reads, “One day Jesus taught his disciples this: “Betrayals[a] are inevitable, but great devastation will come to the one guilty of betraying others. 2 It would be better for him to have a heavy boulder tied around his neck and be hurled into the deepest sea than to face the punishment of betraying one of my dear ones! So be alert to your brother’s condition...” 
To all White leaders who have decided that your voice and your vote supporting the current Democratic Party and its platform will somehow help ‘poor, ‘ole Black folk who just need another fifty-years of the wonderfully altruistic Democratic policies and help,’ stop deceiving yourselves.  Your decision to support a presidential candidate and party whose policies have decimated the Black family and whose party Chairman Tom Perez is quoted saying, “There is no room for pro-lifers in the Democratic Party” and removed every mention of our Judeo-Christian God from the Democratic Platform and Convention, is not about what you have heard God say is best for me during your prayer and meditation time.  There is something deeper, more spiritual that is blinding and driving you.  Do your research for the truth… Not what media, Wikipedia, or the likes tell you. 
Again, as proclaimed men and women of God, do you think that Jesus’ warning in Luke 17 does not apply to you?  You cannot represent the millions like me, because you don't intimately know us.  Respectfully, I say to you that no amount of work you have done on the mission fields in Africa, or to expand entitlements and protections for illegal immigrants, or to expand social entitlement programs/welfare that has decimated the Black family, gives you any insight into my community.  
I am still humbled by all that I don’t know.  But what I do know is that I and many others have been praying and believing God that the eyes of our brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter their ethnicity, will be enlightened to the truth.
Please don’t waste your energy trying to convince me otherwise.  Because as my Nana would say, ‘that dog won’t hunt.” This is absolutely more than a one issue election at every level of office in our nation, states and towns, and God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Mavourene Robinson is an author, speaker and a teacher who resides in Maryland with her son.  Mavourene is still in process and believes that her journey of redemption from Jacob's well represents a God-given promise for every person.  She is writing her first book and enjoys reading, writing, hiking, cooking and is learning to garden.  You can read her blog here  and follow her on Twitter here.  

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