Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Big Statistical Boost For Marriage.

Study reveals positive benefits of marriage for men.

Jennifer Lee  19 February 2022 CT.
(Photo: Unsplash/Nathan Dumlao)
New research has identified a number of benefits for men who are married.
According to the American National Family Life Survey, married men report being less lonely and having more close friends and better health than their single counterparts.
Over half (52%) of the married men surveyed said they were very or completely satisfied with their social lives, while only a third (32%) of single men said the same. 
Single men were also three times as likely as married men to say they had no close friends. 
Not surprisingly, well over half of married men (56%) said they hardly ever or never feel lonely or isolated from the people around them. Just a quarter of single men said the same. 
Around half of married men (49%) said they were happy with their personal health, compared to only a third (34%) of single men who said the same. 
Although less pronounced, the survey found similar benefits for married women.
Nearly half (48%) of married women said they were very or completely satisfied with their social life, compared to only a third of single women. 
Nearly half of married women (48%) said they did not feel lonely or socially isolated, compared to 30% of single women.
Married women were also more satisfied than single women with their personal health (46% vs. 35%). 

A Church in Crisis.
