Wednesday, February 23, 2022



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Humanitarian crisis in Myanmar/Burma – send more aid urgently
Thank you for campaigning for Myanmar/Burma since the coup one year ago. We’ve seen breakthrough in sanctions against the military to cut off their financial lifelines. 
Now we also need to provide a lifeline to the people. 
‘Thank you for being at our side…’
Thank you so much to those of you have been supporting Pastor Lorenzo and his family in Cuba over the past seven months. Your prayers, love and encouragement are being felt across the world. Maridilegnis, Pastor Lorenzo’s wife, sent us this message for you:
‘God has done so many things through my brothers and sisters to remind me of His inexhaustible love, a covenant, that does not give up, that never forgets. I thank each brother and sister for taking some time, and despite the great distances, for giving me and my family a word of encouragement. Thank you for being at our side. We continue to pray for his freedom.’

A Church in Crisis.