Friday, April 22, 2022

The Actual Date of The Crucifixion?

DAY JESUS DIED SET AS APRIL 7, 30 A. D.; Biblical Texts Scholar Says Daniel's Prophecy Pointed Out Exact Time of Death.What day in April did Jesus die?

Blogger: silly as it sounds, Jesus was born BC. The evidence for this iswide and varied.
Back when I studied the issue, I leaned towards 4 BC - although many of the details I checked out have now departed into the mists of time.
Why the discrepancy? When dates were settled - possibly as late as the 6th Century - it is likely that Dionysius Exiguus was the guy who got the dates wrong.
If that is right, Jesus would have been 34 in AD30. If so, April the 9th was the Resurrection!

Learning From Joseph.