Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Church of Scotland - Cult. Methodism - Cult. CofE Approaching The Same.

A most ungodly prejudice.

The Church of England is now finally dismantling its reason for existing at all

Calvin Robinson
The upside-down moral values of identity politics, with their terrifying inversions of truth and lies, right and wrong, victim and oppressor, have arisen from an ideological agenda to destroy the foundational principles of the western world.
Those principles are rooted in biblical religion, the onslaught upon which has been at the core of the west’s precipitous and possibly terminal demoralisation and decline. 
A significant part of that problem has been the spiritual and moral weakness of the Christian churches — particularly the more “progressive” denominations — in the face of the attack from atheism and secularism. A recent incident has provided a disturbing illustration of how the Church of England has actually put itself at the very forefront of that onslaught.
A black conservative trainee vicar, Calvin Robinson, has been blocked from becoming a Church of England priest because he has dared challenge liberal orthodoxies. 

Learning From Joseph.
