Monday, May 23, 2022

End times are already here. Not long to go now but is your church preaching about it? (Most unusual if it is.)

End times theology: Why Russia's invasion of Ukraine is significant.

John HosierBy John Hosier 10 May 2022The spirit of antichrist is present in much of the world, including Russia, says theologian and end times teacher John Hosier. He explains why world events are a challenge to church leaders to once again start preaching about the second coming of Christ 
Pro-Ukraine supporters rally in London to protest against the 
Russian invasion. (Mark Phillips / Alamy Stock Photo)
Eschatology is a minefield!
Christian history is littered with mistaken predictions about the end times. As one 
who has preached, written and talked a lot on the subject I’m only too aware
of the dangers. Nevertheless the Bible speaks approximately 320 times of the return 
of Christ, so it’s hardly a subject that should be ignored.
Whatever, theories, schemes, plans and predictions that may be offered on th
end times one thing is absolutely certain – if you believe the Bible you must 
believe that Jesus will return in the future (second coming) in majesty and glory. 
One verse sums it up well: "We wait for the blessed hope – the appearing of of 
the glory of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13)
I think this is an under-preached doctrine today. Anecdotally, as I’ve asked 
leaders over the years about preaching on the second coming in their churches
 I always draw a blank. When I was a young Christian many believers had a 
really active expectation of Jesus returning in their lifetime. Today I almost feel
 that that believers have no real expectation of that.
However, the present war in Ukraine stirs me to attempt a contribution for the
 need to urgently consider this subject. No one has a perfect eschatology, but 
there are certain things happening right now that cause me to believe this is 
not the time to ignore teaching on the second coming.


There are two outer parameters to what I want to share. One is the absolute 
certainty of Christ’s return and the other is that I am absolutely not claiming
 that I know the outcome of the war in Ukraine will be the return of Jesus. 
However between those two parameters there is a lot of scope for comment. 
Christ will return at some point in the future. From our perspective it will be
 a day on the calendar and a time on the clock, although calendars and clocks 
will then have their final moment! A voice will come from the throne, 
"It is done!" (Revelation 16:17), history as we know it will be over, Christ will 
return and there will be a new heavens and earth.
Scripture is very clear that we don’t know when this will happen (Mark 13:32).
 But don't overlook the verses that tell us to be alert and awake about the
 second coming. Particularly note 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6. "You know very well 
that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are 
saying, Peace and safety, destruction will come on them suddenly, as labour 
pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you brothers and 
sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You
 are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night 
or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us
 be awake and sober." (Emphasis mine) This means there are future events
 which should at least put us on notice that Christ really is going to return.


Jesus himself, warns us against complacency towards the end times. "As it 
was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in
 the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving 
in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about 
what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it 
will be at the coming of the Son of Man." (Matthew 24:37-39). It seems to me 
very much like that at the moment. Escalation of the war in Ukraine could 
very quickly involve the UK directly and once there is an escalation then the 
threat of nuclear weapons becomes a very real possibility. But I don’t see people 
rushing along to church and showing signs of concern about their spiritual state 
or eternal destiny. Of course escalation might not take place at all and so what
 I’ve just written could then sound way over the top. But the fact is I don’t 
know; none of us knows and therefore it is surely a time to be alert and to
 remember our blessed hope.


There are two basic reasons why I think Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is 
eschatologically significant. One is the threat of nuclear war that could 
involve us all. The other is the more complicated issue of the antichrist.
Some believe that the Church will be raptured before the tribulation, 
meaning the Church will have been removed from the earth before the 
rule of the antichrist. This view, though popular in some circles, is in my
 opinion without biblical or historical credibility (see my book for more detail). 
The classical view has always been that the Church will pass through tribulation 
(as it now is including in Ukraine) and that the intensity of that tribulation will 
increase towards the end.
 world and even in democratic ‘Christian’ countries of the increased hostility 
to Christian ethical viewpoints with parts of the church itself also caving in to 
distinctly non-Christian values.
Most evangelicals agree there is always an antichrist spirit at work in the 
world (1 John) but also there is an end time antichrist. Exegetically I think 
the antichrist would seem to be an identifiable person. I’m in good company 
thinking this. "We can, I think, be certain that the antichrist will ultimately 
be concentrated in one person, who will have terrible power, and will be able
 to work miracles and do such wonders that he almost deceives the elect 
themselves" (Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Great Doctrines of the Bible)
However, because there is an antichrist spirit at work maybe the identification 
of just one person could be overdone. What can be identified are the marks of 
an antichrist system or structure from Revelation 13. These include great power 
and authority (v2) and therefore the ability to control whole populations. 
There's a fatal wound that is healed (v3). Worship of the Antichrist (v4). 
An enforced peace probably created by oppression and terror (v11). A huge
propaganda machine (v11-14) Economic controls and restrictions (v16). 
Much of this can already be seen in authoritarian states like China, North Korea, 
Belarus, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria etc. But other states are moving in the same 
direction even if they are technically democratic, such as Turkey. Of particular
 concern is India, where more state control is coming in and Hinduism is being 
imposed in various ways. Now Russia has shown its hand. Elections are rigged, 
the state is controlling and oppressive, protest and opposition are not allowed,
 all free media is closed down and the ‘truth’ is what the Kremlin allows to be 
said and broadcast. Ukraine is being invaded to bring it under the same controls. 
Add all this together and a majority of the world’s population is moving towards
 being controlled by antichrist systems and structures.
There is always a religious element mixed in with this. In Turkey and Afghanistan
 it’s Islam. In North Korea the leader is worshipped as a god. In Russia
 as some kind of saviour of the Russian Orthodox church. I’ve seen people
 interviewed who describe Putin as a god and I’ve watched an interview with 
Putin where he stated that if a retaliatory nuclear strike was launched on Russia 
then Russians would wake up as heroes in heaven – that’s quite some religious


I’m particularly fascinated by the reference to the Beast receiving a fatal wound 
 and yet living. This seems to be the case with all sorts of antichrist types and
 systems in history, but let me stick with just two right now. We know tha
assassination attempts have been made on Putin. At least four, and some claim 20.
 If people try to kill you but you go on living what does that do to your ego? 
It would be easy to believe that you have some kind of super or divine power.
 In Afghanistan the Taliban received a ‘fatal wound’ at the hands of the 
Americans but now return and live again to rule, control and terrorise the
 nation once more. What kind of gods do those leaders think they are?
There can be no question that the war in Ukraine is going to increase 
tribulation upon the earth. Every day I read reports of the increasing hunger
 and starvation that this war is bringing on the world. Lack of food, sky high
 prices, oil and fuel costs etc. We feel these things even in the affluent West.
For good measure throw in climate change, increasing unrest and violence 
around the world, the increasing persecution of Christians, China and Taiwan 
and the deepening moral void of Western society. We are living at a very 
dangerous time in history. In the UK virtually no one has a memory of war 
or real catastrophe. We’ve had some near misses; the Cuban missile crisis and 
9/11 and it becomes easy to think we’ve got through before and we’ll get 
through again...these things pass. And perhaps this crisis will indeed pass.
 I’m giving no prophecy that we are at the end of history. But I do see the
 warning Jesus gave: As it was in the days of Noah...
This is not a day for wild predictions; I’m certainly not advocating we head 
for the hills. You don’t have to agree with all my analysis. However we are 
called on to deliver the whole counsel of God. This is surely a time to remember 
that however complex end times teaching can sometimes be, we do believe
 there will be an end time and that we can expect increasing trouble before
 the end. We have a message which Paul says we are to share with one another
 to encourage one another. (1 Thessalonians 4:18) Jesus will return and it
 wouldn’t be a bad thing at this time of heightened tension in world history 
to dig into this truth and hope of Christ’s return.
John HosierJohn HosierJohn Hosier is an experienced church leader, theologian and teacher. He is the author of The Lamb, the Beast and the Devil: Making Sense of the Book of Revelation

Learning From Joseph.