Friday, September 30, 2022

Inspired By Christ.

Queen Elizabeth II: A woman inspired by Christ for a noble task.

12 September 2022By Mark Greene
Looking back on seven decades of service, Mark Greene says it was the Queen’s steadfast faith in Jesus that made all the difference to her mighty reign.
Read more:



Righteousness, Joy and Peace.





 There must be justice for those who are falsely accused of blasphemy.

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We hear tragic reports of injustice and abuse on a daily basis at CSW – it comes with the territory. But there are some cases which shock you to the core. 
The horrific murder of 25-year-old Deborah Emmanuel is one of those. 
Deborah was a Christian second-year Home Economics student in Sokoto state, Nigeria. In May, she was brutally beaten and stoned to death by a predominantly male mob who chanted ‘Allahu Akbar’ as they killed her. 
The motivation for her murder? Deborah was falsely accused of blaspheming the Prophet Mohammed in a college WhatsApp group chat. Deborah was innocent of the accusations against her, but even if she had committed ‘blasphemy’, she did not deserve to die.
There must be justice for Deborah, and for all who have been falsely accused of blasphemy.
A gift of £4, or whatever you are able to give, enables us to continue standing with those in vulnerable religious communities who are at risk of being falsely accused of blasphemy.
Nigeria is one of 71 countries which criminalises blasphemy (insulting a religion) and where many live in fear of having these laws weaponised against them. We have been urging Nigeria to tackle this and end the impunity for well over a decade, and with your help we can continue working on countries like Nigeria until we see change   .
The targeting of vulnerable religious and belief communities must stop.
With your help, justice is possible. 
Grace and peace,
Scot Bower



An Extremely Pertinent Question.

When will the Tories realise that mass migration is making us poor?

Far from growing the economy, it has suppressed productivity, wages and capital investment
Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng at an industrial site
‘There will be fewer lower-skilled migrants,” promised the last Conservative manifesto, “and overall numbers will come down.” Yet three years on, Government policy is delivering the opposite. The number of work visas issued last year is up 72 per cent compared to 2019, student visas by 71 per cent, and family visas by 61 per cent....

Glacier Expansion - Why?

Now There's Ironic.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

England Endure Another Wretched Defeat in Pakistan.

 It was incredible to see. After removing Pakistan for a losing score of 144, the England attack merited much credit.

Yet again, however, the England upper order played like recalcitrant schoolboys. The victory which was theirs was cast to the winds and an impossible task given to the middle order batsmen.

Phil Salt looks like a wicket waiting to happen and Hales seems to have lost the plot - there were more I could have featured!

England must now win their next two matches in order to snatch the series from an inferior side - but one at least, which acts professionally.

Lost match by six runs. Well batted,
Moheen Ali!

Fear Not.

Gone To Glory.


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Hi ,

You may have noticed the pause in our communications over the last few weeks. Our work continues to be as important as ever, but during the UK’s period of national mourning for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, we quietened our communications as a mark of respect.

One church. One prayer: Freedom. 

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)

This November we unite with millions of Christians around the world to pray for those who share our faith, but not our freedom.

Whether you pray on the designated day of IDOP (the International Day of Prayer for the persecuted Church) on 6 November, or set aside time on another Sunday in November, your prayers will join with millions of others to bring hope, strength and freedom for persecuted Christians around the world. 

Here’s how you can get involved:

Watch, pray, act with your church: Sign up to get a short video to show in your church or small group, a prayer guide and ways you can put your prayers into action.

Join us for IDOP Online: register for your free place at our online prayer event hosted jointly with The Evangelical Alliance, Open Doors, CSW and Release International. You’ll hear the latest news and testimonies from Christian survivors of persecution in China, Cuba and Iraq.

Save us a spot to speak at your church

This year, we are introducing something a little different.

We’re inviting you to choose a speaker for your gathering or event from our talented and experienced speakers team.

As lawyers, church leaders, advocacy experts, and a creative communications team, we come from many different backgrounds and church traditions. But we work together to achieve incredible results: setting prisoners free, speaking truth to power, and changing the laws that deny millions of people their religious freedom of religion or belief.

Book your speaker today.

‘My life changed drastically because I had never been separated from my father…’​

‘Everything we have gone through has been very difficult, everything they have done to us, [everything] that we have suffered, but really, if this happened again [something like 11 July protests], I would go back out together with my dad, because it is the right thing to do.’

David Rosales, son of Cuban pastor Lorenzo Rosales Fajardo, was just 17 when he was arrested with his father at the 11 July protests. He was released a week later under precautionary bail because of his participation in the protests. David was later exonerated from criminal proceedings after a paying a fine. 

At just 18 years old, David has experienced first hand the harshness of the government towards those who belong to a church which is not officially approved by the government.

Read David’s full interview, where he shares his experience as the son of a pastor of an unregistered church and tells us about the strength he has found through his faith in Christ.

Campaign with us to #FreePastorLorenzo!



The Way It Is In One Church We Are Familiar With - At Least!


Er ... Quite.


Guaranteed To Make You Think!


The west devours its children.

Disenchantment with mainstream politics threatens disenchantment with democratic freedom

Chronos and his Child; Giovanni Francesco Romanelli, 17th century

For years, some of us have warned that mass disenchantment with the so-called liberal — but in reality, repressive — orthodoxies of mainstream politics was bound to produce a correspondingly extremist reaction on the other side of the cultural divide. 

If the public are told for decades they are not entitled to want to inhabit a nation whose historic traditions, values and culture they recognise as their own (and that more recent arrivals will gladly share), they will be easy prey for “populists” and demagogues who will promise a return to those very values. 

This is what now seems to be happening.

In the Italian general election four days ago, the Brothers of Italy — a party with fascist roots — gained more than a quarter of the vote and its leader, Giorgia Meloni, is poised to become prime minister. 

In Sweden’s general election earlier this month the Sweden Democrats, a significant number of whose founders had ties to Nazi or fascist movements, became the second biggest party in the country’s parliament and stand to wield considerable influence over Sweden’s new government.

Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban boasts of running an “illiberal democracy”. Poland’s governing Law and Justice party has dismantled social-democratic checks and balances. In France, the anti-immigrant Marine le Pen is snapping at President Emmanuel Macron’s heels. America had its populist leader in Donald Trump; in Britain, the role was filled by Nigel Farage, who lit the fuse that ignited Brexit.

All these parties and politicians are described by their most bitter opponents as “far right” or even neo-fascist.

Fascism is an ideology promoting dictatorship, totalitarianism, militarism, violence, the forcible suppression of opposition, centralised autocracy and a cult of the leader.

None of these parties or individuals fits that definition. Italy’s Meloni defines herself as a conservative in the tradition of the late British philosopher, Sir Roger Scruton, for whom conservatism bound a nation together through the link between past, present and future. The Sweden Democrats have systematically thrown out members who have expressed racist views, including cutting off its entire youth wing.

Of course, there are understandable suspicions that such parties may merely be sanitising their unsavoury past political links. However, such indiscriminate demonisation by their opponents tells us rather more — and more alarmingly — about the state of the west’s political culture in which these parties are making such gains...

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Blogger's View.

 I conclude that the majority of people who hate Christianity picked up their rancour - either from downright ignorance and/or their experiences with Christians - or more likely from 'christians'.

(Other religions may or may not fit into these categories.)

Refreshingly Forthright Bible Explanation.

Anne Graham Lotz cites Isaiah 5:8 as warning for America having 'turned away' from God

Anne Graham LotzAnne Graham Lotz speaks at the Family Research Council Vote Pray Stand Summit in Atlanta, Georgia. 
The daughter of the late Evangelist Billy Graham, Anne Graham Lotz, told a gathering of Christian conservatives Thursday about the importance of looking to God and remembering He is the ultimate authority, even in what she perceives to be a "crisis" in our nation.
The AnGeL Ministries founder and author was a featured speaker during the Family Research Council's Pray Vote Stand Summit held at First Baptist Atlanta. 
The summit took place from Wednesday to Friday, with the theme based around standing for life after the U.S. Supreme Court overturnedRoe v. Wade in June, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
During her speech, the 74-year-old seemingly compared the United States to the nation of Judah in the Bible, a nation that, despite its decades of prosperity, neglected to thank God for its blessings. This prompted the Lord to uplift the prophet Isaiah, who condemned the members of the nation for its sins, as seen in Isaiah 5:8
She told a story about a gift from her mother, Ruth Graham, that she had thrown away because she didn't like how it was wrapped, relating this to what she fears is happening in the U.S. today. Later, Lotz learned that the tissue paper contained a gold ring that was part of the pavement of the palace where Queen Esther lived. 
"I had thrown away a priceless treasure because I didn't like the way it was wrapped," she said.
"Are we in danger of concentrating on the wrapping and the brown paper packages that show up and missing the treasure that's on the inside?" she asked, remarking that nationwide, "we are under attack." 
"Has there ever been a time like this where there is a brown package showing up at every level, every angle, every place? It's stunning what is going on in this state, in our nation, in our world, and I expect, in your own life," she added.
Lotz believes the sins Isaiah listed are still relevant to today's society, which she stated condones actions such as abortion, premarital sex and rejects traditional marriage. 
"A nation that, in a way, like Judah, we're a covenant nation dedicated to the glory of God by President George Washington when he was first inaugurated, and we've rejected God. We've turned away from Him," she said.
"And we've had more than 52 years of relative peace and prosperity, but instead of using that time to draw near to Him, to live out our national life in gratitude for His blessings, acknowledging that all blessings come from Him, we've turned away from Him."
She believes the nation is in "crisis." Sharing the message of Isaiah 6, Lotz stated that the most appropriate response in such situations is to follow the prophet's example by looking up to God and asking what He wants. 
"And I believe we need, as a Church, people who call ourselves by God's name; we need a fresh vision of Jesus," she said. 
She said that in Isaiah's vision of the Lord, the prophet saw Him seated on a throne.
Lotz asked the audience what has caused them to doubt that God is in control, noting the testimonies given by other speakers on issues including life and family values. 
"Are you personally doubting that Jesus is in control when your child comes home from school and says he has transitioned into a different gender?" she asked. "Do you say, 'Jesus, really? Are you on the throne?'" 
In an election year like 2022, Lotz says many people are vying for public office. But regardless of whether a politician holds a state-level position or lives in the White House, "Jesus is higher than all." 
"When we pray, we need to remember that we are appealing to the highest authority that there is in the universe," she said. "One who is in charge, one who gives us His attention. And not only was He high, He was exalted." 
Lotz concluded with a prayer, calling for a "revival" in everyone's lives and in the nation. 
"Please, God, it's the only answer, other than your return," she said. "So we do pray, even so, come, Lord Jesus, and it's in your name and in your glory that we pray, Amen." 
This is not Lotz's first time speaking at a Family Research Council event. 
While speaking at Family Research Council's 2016 Watchmen on the Wall conference, she asserted that America must repent for its embrace of sexual immorality. Lotz's speech focused on an "urgency to reach the lost." 
"When we refuse to repent of our sin and turn to God, then in [Romans] verse 26, God gives us over to sexual depravity. Which is what we see all around us today," she said at the time. "Then, we refuse to repent of our sin and turn to God."
Citing Romans 1:28, Lotz argued that America has entered the "last stage of this downward spiral into the abyss of God's judgment."
"The last step, 'furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to a reprobate mind,'" Lotz recited.
"He gives us over to ourselves, and I believe America is in the last stage of this downward spiral into the abyss of God's judgment."
Lotz said it was not too late for America to repent, pointing to verse John 3:16 to remind the audience of God's love and promise of eternal life for those who believe in Jesus. 
"There are people all around us who are perishing. … You are born into the human race as a sinner. All are sinners, and if we don't do anything about it and we step into eternity still in our sin, we come under the judgment, the whole wrath of God. We are separated from Him forever, and that is Hell."
"That is not something I am telling you, don't misunderstand me; that is just the Gospel," she added. "That's why God sent Jesus." CP.



Righteousness and Love.

Oh Dear, Nicola.

'Absolutely shocking' chart shames Nicola Sturgeon as Scottish life expectancy drops again.

New figures published by the National Records for Scotland have revealed that life expectancy in Scotland is continuing to drop for both men and women under Nicola Sturgeon's watch.

Sky Glass TV? - You Can Use If Not A Sky Subscriber For Other Channels BUT ... Not For Me - Blogger.

 READ NEXT: Our guide to the best TVs to buy today

It costs extra, though. 
It's important to note that Sky Glass doesn't, and cannot, record TV like Sky Q, and this may ultimately be what proves its undoing.12 Apr 2022

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Advantages of Monarchy.





Er ... Yesss.


The Cogman Case - This Invidious Persecution of Believers Perhaps Goes Back Further Than We Had Thought!

 Great Yarmouth Mercury > News

Christian officer 'failed by police'

A religious leader has written to Norfolk police complaining about the dismissal of a Christian officer found guilty of misconduct after he expressed his anti-gay beliefs.
The Rev Martin Young, vicar at St Andrew's Church in Norwich, sent an open letter to the force's professional standards department. It follows last week's decision to sack PC Graham Cogman, from Sea Palling, after he was found to have failed to comply with a lawful order over the use of force computers and failure to treat colleagues with politeness and tolerance.
But last night police spokesman Anne Campbell said the issue was “not about Mr Cogman's beliefs but about his behaviour” after he ignored repeated warnings.
She added that the force would not publicly discuss the evidence unless Mr Cogman chose to do so.
It was the latest in a series of disciplinary procedures to be brought against him. He had previously been banned from using computer messaging systems and fined for expressing his opposition to the promotion of homosexuality.
Deputy chief constable Ian Learmonth said: “It should be borne in mind that the police service, as well as welcoming people regardless of their beliefs, race, gender, age or sexual orientation, is also a disciplined organisation.

    “Those who are not prepared to abide by our high standards of behaviour and be subject to lawful orders are not suitable for the service.”
    On one occasion Mr Cogman quoted the phrase “Love the sinner, hate the deed” in an email to a gay liaison officer; on another he forwarded an internet link to an American organisation offering to “cure” homosexuality.
    Mr Young said: “Norfolk constabulary has manifestly failed to uphold PC Cogman's right to express his Christian faith. His views are not extreme or unusual. They are consistent with the published understanding of the Church of England, of which he is a member.
    “The phrase 'Love the sinner, hate the deed' is a common Christian aphorism which encapsulates the Christian's duty to love all people, regardless of their lifestyle choices. This is presumably also what the service intend to convey in their diversity policy.
    “It is rather shocking that in this day of plural society and concern for minorities that PC Cogman's own complaints have not been listened to. It is exceedingly inappropriate for a Christian officer to be pressurised to promote a lifestyle choice that contradicts his faith.
    “PC Cogman made measured responses in a spirit of openness and honesty, and for this he should be lauded, not punished. The order he was given may have been lawful, but it was repressive and intolerant.”
    Mr Cogman began sending the emails after receiving messages from gay officers encouraging staff to wear a pink ribbon on their uniforms to promote Gay History Month. He claims he was bombarded with pro-gay messages and said the force had become “obsessed with inclusiveness to the detriment of Christian beliefs”.
    The dismissal followed a thorough investigation and the misconduct panel of three people included two who were independent of the force. Mr Cogman has the right to appeal the decision.

    Sharp Practice?

    The Mankad debate: Perfectly acceptable or just not cricket?

    Our cricket writers, Scyld Berry and Nick Hoult, have their say – and you can too
    A distraught Charlie Dean shakes hands with Deepti Sharma, who 'Mankaded' her
    A distraught Charlie Dean shakes hands with Deepti Sharma, who 'Mankaded' her CREDIT: GETTY IMAGES
    India women claimed the final wicket of their ODI series against England in dramatic and controversial fashion on Saturday evening with a run-out at the non-striker's end just as England looked to be closing in on victory at Lord's.
    It is a rare form of dismissal but has been used before, including by Indian bowlers Vinoo Mankad – after whom it has traditionally been known – and Ravichandran Ashwin.
    There has previously been an unwritten convention to offer the batter a warning, though the relevant law was recently moved by the ICC from the 'Unfair play' section and filed instead under 'Run out'. Not that that has removed the stigma of the dismissal.
    Boos rang out at Lord's when Deepti Sharma 'Mankaded' England's Charlie Dean. But was that fair? We have asked our cricket writers, Scyld Berry and Nick Hoult, to have their say – and you can too in the comments section below.

    Law must be changed – it's craftiness not cricket

    By Scyld Berry
    A distraught Charle Dean is consoled by Freya Davies
    A distraught Charlie Dean is consoled by Freya Davies CREDIT: GETTY IMAGES
    MCC will have to change the Laws of Cricket. What Deepti Sharma did in the women’s third one-day international at Lord’s looked wrong, whatever the existing law says.
    Cricket, and the taking of wickets, should be a matter of skill and athleticism. Taking a wicket by 'Mankading' – when Charlie Dean, in this case, was backing up in the conventional way – is craftiness not cricket.
    And there is always the argument which the Ancient Greek philosophers used: what happens if everyone does it? The sport of cricket would degenerate into niggliness, acrimony and a standstill if every club bowler and schoolkid started to do what Sharma did. Game over – or, rather, game not worth playing.
    I don’t think warnings will work in this competitive age. There has to be something specific in the Laws.
    My suggestion is that the Law should be changed so that the non-striker must stay in his/her ground until the bowler begins his/her armswing. And the bowler, having started the process of delivery, is not allowed then to take the bails off instead of bowling the ball.
    This would allow a more natural and smoother sequence of events than that which is supposed to apply under the current Law, whereby the non-striker must wait in the crease until the ball has actually been delivered. 
    Of course any such change in the Laws should be trialled first. But MCC’s cricket secretary Jamie Cox, and Fraser Stewart who is in charge of the Laws, should be able to prevail upon a few members to participate in trials on the Lord’s Nursery before the end of this season.
    Saturday’s incident made for a remarkable parallel: an Indian spinner began this process of running out batsmen who backed up too far, Vinoo Mankad, and it is an Indian spinner who has caused the latest furore.
    The first instance in first-class cricket occurred on India’s tour of Australia in 1947-8, and it happened not once but twice, and involved the same protagonists on both occasions. One was the Indian left-arm spinner Vinoo Mankad, who soon became the best of his type in the world according to Wisden.
    The batsman concerned was Bill Brown, who opened the batting for Australia under Don Bradman’s captaincy. Even in his later years Brown was very dapper and quick on his feet: you could see him eagerly moving down the pitch as non-striker when the ball was bowled.
    The first instance happened in a tour warm-up game between the Indians and an Australian XI. The second occurrence happened in the second Test, again at Sydney, as Wisden reported: “Australia lost their first wicket in an unusual manner. In a previous match Mankad, the bowler, warned Brown about backing up too far, and when the batsman repeated this ran him out. This time Mankad gave no warning, and the first occasion Brown moved down the pitch too quickly the bowler whipped off the bails.” 
    But we have to stop history repeating itself.

    Artificial way to take a wicket – but legal

    By Nick Hoult
    Deepti Sharma 'Mankads' England batter Dean
    Deepti Sharma 'Mankads' England batter Dean CREDIT: SKY SPORTS
    The run-out of a non-striker by the bowler is no longer considered unfair play under the laws of the game so Deepti Sharma did nothing wrong at Lord’s when she dismissed Charlie Dean, but it is the sport’s most glaring example of underhand gamesmanship.
    It also sparks a deluge of whataboutery on social media as Stuart Broad discovered on Sunday when he offered his opinion on the matter. “I personally wouldn’t like to win a match like that, also, very happy for others to feel differently,” he wrote. But at the time of writing he had 2,782 replies ranging from “do you appeal when the batsman is not out?”, “But quite happy to nick to slip via the keeper and stand your ground in an Ashes Test? Well played sir,” to the most bizarre: “So you must have not liked how eng won the 2019 ODI WC Final” a reference to the unintentional bat deflection for four (counted as six) by Ben Stokes.
    The Mankad is sharp practice and the players know it which is why it only ever happens in a tight match when a result is on the line and they are desperate. If it was a widely accepted form of dismissal, like stealing ground on base is in baseball, then it would happen in the early overs of a Test match or when a game is meandering. 
    India were fearing an England comeback at Lord's. Dean was moving closer to 50 and had put on 35 with No 11 Freya Davies with a chance of steering her side to an unlikely win. If that had not been the case would Deepti have still done it? Almost certainly not. DT.
