Wednesday, September 21, 2022

New York Times and Brexit.

 If you care to check back online all the New York Times articles on Brexit - you will see a wicked picture emerge from their reporting containing: venom, bitterness, bile, toxicity, calculated misrepresentation and a wretchedly poor understanding of basic facts.

Not even the Guardian, with all of its leftist ignorance and inbuilt bias against democratic decisions, can approach the disgustingly low levels of honesty achieved by the NYT.

President Trump - not the greatest of American Presidents - had agreed the outline of a far-reaching trade deal with the UK.
President Biden - certainly the worst of all American presidents - decided to scupper this deal because he personally disapproved of Brexit. (We must assume that he is a fan of the NY Times.)
This bumbling figure, who perhaps elicits some sympathy from onlookers, must be recognised as the malicious individual he truly is.

A Verse of Great Encouragement.