Wednesday, December 28, 2022

I Found This In The Guardian.

Good news for the world’s autocrats – EU sleaze is a huge own goal for democracy.

The Qatargate scandal shows how insider corruption, influence-peddling and money-politics can erode public trust.
Blogger: they categorically refuse to get it! This body has been corrupt since its inception and it has shown through on a sickeningly regular basis.
This entity is designed for corruption. All my research over decades has indicated this but the remainiacs close their eyes to: corruption, rank incompetence, imperialistic desires and a system designed to undermine democracy.
I voted to stay in back in 1975! I wanted it to succeed but when it became clear that this was not possible, indeed could never be possible, with deep regret, I was forced to opt for fighting this toxic institution and demanding Brexit.
Even with Brexit far from complete - we are considerably better off out.
PS. They have awesome inflation too!

The Christmas Story Always Matters!