Friday, December 30, 2022

Published on This Blog in 2012. ALL of These Areas Have Worsened Considerably.

What Have We Done To The Next Generation?

Our children and grandchildren are
in big trouble compared to the last
 two generations.
We have:
Saddled them with impossible debts.
Failed To educate them properly.
Have made drugs attractive.
Ensured that most will not be able to ascend 'the property ladder.
Gifted many of their jobs to
Insisted that they take 'dumbed 
down' degree courses at massive 
personal expense.
Proved to them that 'crime pays'.
Made certain that none will be able to retire before the age of at least 70.
Taught them 'the state will always bail you out' however heinous or foolish the actions 
Given them inappropriate educations to their abilities in 'apprehensive' schools.
We have ensured that most will face lengthy periods of unemployment during their lives.
We have turned a once great nation into a laughing stock.
We did them the grave disservice of joining the EU.
We attempted to create 'a multicultural society' instead of an integrated one.
Christianity has been downgraded to a 'quirky minority sport' - with added persecution and is
never presented as the solution to so many social issues.
I could obviously go on ad nauseam! Isn't it interesting though,  just how much of all this has originated DIRECTLY in the left of politics?
Today - look how many Tories have joined this stampede to social disaster.

The Christmas Story Always Matters!