Tuesday, May 30, 2023

I Don't Wholly Agree, Stephen.

STEPHEN GLOVER: I can’t abide entitled Tory know-alls like George Osborne who want to tax orange juice and cake and ban smoking

PUBLISHED:  23:03, 3 May 2023 
The moment I began to have suspicions about David Cameron is etched on my mind. It was in January 2006, a month after he had been elected Tory leader, and he laid into chocolate oranges.
Mr Cameron complained that anyone trying to buy a newspaper at a train station was 'surrounded by cut-price offers for giant chocolate bars'. He castigated W.H. Smith for promoting 'half-price chocolate oranges at its checkouts instead of real oranges'.
Blogger: this Blogger realised precisely what Cameron was when I first heard him talk about a pursuit of - not 'justice' - but social justice!
Some may not grasp what I am talking about here but this revealed that one of two things applied to DC.
1) Either he did not recognise the implications of the expression used and was therefore unfit to lead our nation by dint of his ignorance
or, more likely ...
2) He realised perfectly well the meaning of what he was saying and that he was offering us all a non-Tory, liberal-left agenda. It rather suggested to me that he may have been a Blairite wearing a rather inadequate disguise.
Either way, he was clearly unfit for purpose.
