Saturday, May 20, 2023

Sickening, Illogical Syncretism - Multifaith By Any Other Name.

peopleSyncretism is becoming the prevailing worldview, warns George Barna

  • Leonardo Blair  | Sat 13 May 2023 6:19 BST
    "The ideological and philosophical confusion that characterizes America is perhaps the biggest reflection of the nation's rejection of biblical principles and its decision to replace God's truth with 'personal truth.'" CT.
  • Definition: syncretism
    1. The amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought.
      "interfaith dialogue can easily slip into syncretism"

  • Blogger: Multifaith - eg) praying together, allowing alien religions into once Christian Churches etc is morally and spiritually bankrupt.

A proper use of Interfaith is quite a different matter altogether - or SHOULD be. Reaching out to the unsaved is what missionaries do. Selling out is what heretics do.
