Saturday, July 22, 2023

Ministry Targets The US.

Ministry that led over 66K people to Christ will hold first US crusade.

By Michael Gryboski, Mainline Church Editor. CP.

An evangelism group that recently held events in West Africa and South America that resulted in over a reported 66,000 decisions for Christ is planning to hold its first-ever crusade in the United States.

World Harvest Global, an outreach organization headquartered in Grand Prairie, Texas, which earlier this year held events in Guinea-Bissau, Zambia and Peru, is planning to hold its first U.S.-based gathering in South Carolina next year.

Jacob Ebersole, founder and president of World Harvest, told The Christian Post in an interview that his organization has been planning to hold the upstate South Carolina event for over two years.

"The team already formed for this is pretty significant," said Ebersole. "In Jesus' name, we're going to see a move of God start there that will spread through the whole state of South Carolina. What happens beyond that, I'll leave up to the Lord."

Ebersole hopes the event next year will "reach the whole nation" through their social media strategy. 

He says his ministry is "trying to walk through the lens of 1 Corinthians 13" in their evangelism events.

"You can move mountains, speak with the tongues of angels, but if you have not love, you have nothing," he said, paraphrasing the biblical passage. "We really care about this at every level."

"We try to make sure we do everything with excellence, and I think what's happening is people are starting to notice, and they want to be a part of it. And so, our team is growing, and now it's like, people from all around the world that are coming on board to be a part of what God is doing through World Harvest." CP.
