Saturday, September 30, 2023

Thanks, Nana.


NANA AKUA: Suella Braverman is right - new arrivals must embrace the British way of life as my family did 

Blogger: from childhood, throughout my teens and onto and beyond university, I generally supported the call for an integrated society.
An integrated society meant that we were all British and newcomers could and should be too.
That is not to say that the newcomers should ever abandon their personal history - and indeed were wholly free celebrate it. This applied as much to Poles and Caribbean peoples as it had done to the Jewish communities who had been in our cities for centuries.
It helped ensure that the status quo was not damaged. Multicultural is not wrong in and of itself. It did however, morph into a stagnant, malicious and divisive new force - seemingly calculated to undermine the indigenous people of these islands.
This follow-up was then reinforced via the weasel word, diversity. This was designed to sideline Englishness, Scottishness etc.
Diversity is a gnawing, wolf in sheep's clothing - an homogeneity made to appeal to liberal Christians, leftists and the terminally simple alike.
It has an added bonus for those Trotskyite and religious cultures who may wish to supplant our own in that we move a step closer to the Orwellian world which they see as their next step.
