Saturday, October 21, 2023

Pretty Useless and Which Requires A Great Deal of Pretending and Expense! Many Thanks, Alan.

Ministers want to have 50GW of offshore wind in operation by 2030, up from around 14 GW now

Ministers want to have 50GW of offshore wind in operation by 2030, up from around 14 GW now CREDIT: ANDY BUCHANAN/afp

SIR – At last – the truth about the real cost, unreliability and insecurity of offshore wind farms (“Electricity from wind isn’t cheap and it never will be”, Matt Ridley, Comment, September 10). ST.

When will the Government face reality and give its full support to Rolls-Royce’s small modular nuclear reactors, thereby making the UK more energy-secure while investing in British manufacturing and jobs?

Or will it continue to rely on buying energy from France, which, 18 months ago, responded rapidly to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing energy crisis by upgrading its nuclear energy facilities?

Alan Lyne
Llandelio, Carmarthenshire
