Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Where Are All These Mysterious Rightists To Be Found?

Despite the apparent one-sidedness of the extremist threat, Sunak made sure to inlcude both the “far-right’ and Islamist groups in his speech, saying: “Islamist extremists and the far right feed off and embolden each other. They are equally desperate to pretend that their violence is somehow justified when actually these groups are two sides of the same extremist coin.

“Neither group accept that change in our country can only come through the peaceful democratic process. Both loathe the pluralist, modern country we are. Both want to set Briton against Briton to weaponise the evils of anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred for their own ends.”

Sunak continued by saying that the “faith of Islam, peacefully practised by millions of our fellow citizens is emphatically not the same thing as the extremist political ideology of Islamism which aims to separate Muslims from the rest of society.”

“Islamist extremists and far rights groups are spreading a poison, that poison is extremism. It aims to drain us of our confidence in ourselves as a people, and in our shared future.

“They want us to doubt ourselves, to doubt each other, to doubt our country’s history and achievements. They want us to accept a moral equivalence between Britain and some of the most despicable regimes in the world. They want us to believe that our country, and the West more generally, is solely responsible for the world’s ills and that we, along with our allies, are the problem. In short, they want to destroy our confidence and hope.” Breitbart.
Puzzled Blogger: I am surrounded by so many leftists - measured in hundreds of thousands or possibly millions - who grow ever more extreme - year on year. There are so many noxious, toxic shades of marxism out there which go largely unchallenged. It is nothing less than an infestation.
Yet, where are these rightists? Thankfully, the National Front disappeared into rank obscurity.
The BNP happily died a death.
UKIP, Brexit Party and Reform UK were/are all centre right. Note how UKIP imploded when an actual right-wing group infiltrated - the main body of members did not want to know and quit. (I know. I was there. I resigned at that point!)
Anne-Marie Waters and Tommy Robinson have zero power and virtually zero followings of note. So where are all these objectionable members of the hard right? 
We suffer from 'imaginary bogeymen syndrome' from the likes of: The Independent, The BBC and The Guardian. But in reality - if that likeable democrat, John Redwood, is the best you can produce - you leftist conspiracy theorists have pathetically little to work with.
Even in France, Marie Le Pen's lot have moved from far right to barely right of centre.

God's Strength Shines Through Human Weakness.
