Saturday, May 25, 2024

I found this in the Daily Mail!

 'The insurgent right-wing party [Reform UK] has been polling well over the past few months, at one point coming within three points of the Conservatives.'

Blogger: Oh, good grief!

Let me repeat.
Reform UK is most emphatically NOT a right-wing party. It is a right of centre party. It is trying to operate in the slot that the Tories used to occupy up to four decades ago. This was a type of politics which had formerly contained many 'true blue Tories' - a breed which has almost disappeared entirely from the current Parliament.
This has come about because of a huge shift to the left by the Conservative Party.
What with all the 'wets' and 'one nation loons' - Reform UK has spotted an opening. This is because there is no longer anywhere else a voter can go who is centre right.
To describe the new party as right-wing is absurd.

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