Friday, August 23, 2024

Merseyside Detectives.

 The deaths of Ashley Dale and Olivia Pratt-Korbel sickened me to the very core.

I recently watched Channel Four's four part investigation titled MERSEYSIDE DETECTIVES. 
The two, separate murders by illegal guns were truly heartbreaking. 
One was a beautiful, 26 year old young graduate and the other a sweet nine year old girl.
Even though sentenced to no possibility of parole for over 40 years - this was insufficient for the five pieces of vermin who were convicted.
To be honest, the sentencings were the best that could be achieved but at least three of these should have hanged.

If you can watch this series and still feel that the use of a death penalty should never happen in the UK, I despair for the injustice behind your thinking.
These men had surely cast away any rights to live they may have possessed in normal circumstances.
Genesis: 9.6.

That News Warms My Heart.

Pro-abortion group pays over $186K to settle campaign fraud claims. By  Ryan Foley , Christian Post Reporter  Monday, January 06, 2025 iStoc...