Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Long Road To War.

 This two-parter is an astonishing revelation of the truth about World War One and how it all began. I recommend watching it asap. It can often be found on PBS.                

Countless leftist historians have falsified what brought about The Great War and in so doing shifted a tremendous amount of the merited blame away from Germany and Austria who had planned it from as far back as the 19th Century. It was all about the Kaiser's plans for substantial imperial gains. It relied on pillorying the individual Balkan nations later known as Yugoslavia.
All involved knew the truth at the time but by the early 1920s the revisionism had already begun.
I remember being indoctrinated as a teenager by 'A' level ENGLISH teachers into the 'Oh What A Lovely War' view that this war was 'almost accidental' and was because of the nation state. 
Majoring on the poetry of Sassoon and cronies, many lies were entertained. Not the least of these was that WW1 British Generals - from chateaux 40 miles behind the lines - military incompetents were wickedly shedding young blood for the fun of it.
The fact that England lost 78 Generals killed on the front lines gives the lie to this.
Shifting the blame from Germany was perhaps one reason why the allies did not react when Hitler began rearming Germany - largely forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. Another reason was that The League of Nations was dripping wet and utterly incompetent.
Weakness was one of the prime factors of why WW2 came about.
This documentary is straight down the line and tells the whole truth. We need the truth - otherwise, hard left manipulators sell us a pup - and a pretty dangerous one at that.

Thanks, JD.

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