Thursday, May 25, 2006


Abortion is basically not permissible. The scriptures are clear. Check Psalm 94 for just one pertinent example. It is hard to argue for even post rape. Today the 'morning after pill' is a morally ambivalent area - but perhaps lesser evils could come into play in such extreme circumstances. As for terminating, or rather exterminating the potentially handicapped, it just fills me with total revulsion. To kill for convenience sake is just disgusting.
You do not need to be a Christian to find euphemistically labelled terminations, repellant. All you need to do is see any of the films in the mould of 'The Silent Scream'. These are not faked in any way nor are they emotive. The pictures simply speak for themselves. It is brutal and impossible to argue that the child does not know what is going on when you can see it attempting to vainly flee the abortionists instruments in the middle of the sick procedure.
How strange some of the most agitated supporters of unborn child murder are the same people who tell us Capital Punishment is morally wrong.
Evil is when right and wrong are reversed. Capital Punishment targets the guilty and abortion the innocent. Surely, every member of the human race can distinguish? - But no! Lefties and feminists cannot. Simply evil.

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