Thursday, May 25, 2006

John Mackay - letter to Guardian and Independent.

Following the recent 'hatchet job' on John Mackay the geologist, geneticist, coal formation expert and well-known creationist, it would be interesting to see whether this newspaper, is in future, prepared to be a little even-handed.
I make no claims for creationism in this letter but I am always certain that when the babbling hordes try to silence somebody without open debate, the only possible conclusion is that there is something to hide.
There is a very simple solution as to whether Mr Mackay is talking gibberish or not. Instead of him periodically defeating lesser-famed evolutionists in public debate, why does this paper not sponsor a debate between him and say, Professor Dawkins? If necessary this could be resticted to purely scientific arguments.
Surely then, these irritating creationists could be utterly destroyed in the public eye once and for all.
I should like to see a two hour debate on prime time TV with three leading evolutionary scientists against three creationist scientists. Who could reasonably object?
I am sure that no convinced evolutionist could possibly argue that 'this would simply lend credibility to creationists' as the temptation to be able to destroy completely the antediluvian arguments, once and for all, ought to be irresistible

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